Wednesday 13 April 2016

Stashing of money made easy via mutual fund investing

Mohan is a dedicated employee and pocketed a handsome salary. His primary concern is to secure a good sum for his post-retirement life. But, his concern is the difficulty in locating a suitable scheme. He knows that with PPF money can be saved, but the growth was not up to the mark. And with the recent cut off in the rate of interest has raised the worries of the account holders. With the soaring volatility in the stock market, Mohan strikes out the option. Now, he is searching for avenues which can accommodate his money and facilitate growth as well.

Perceiving the problems of Mohan and many such investors financial experts have come up with a facile technique which would release the traction of clients. The scheme is called mutual fund. Evident from its name, a mutual fund is a technique through which the clients will be able to bank enormous profits through combined investment. The concept may sound a bit confusing to you but is quite straight and simple. We all have enjoyed the golden period of school and college. We all have also experienced a situation where we had to manage our expenses within the limited pocket money. Hence, if an outing was planned everyone contributed their share and with the total amount the party was organized. In the same way, a mutual fund is a scheme that accumulates the money of numerous investors having identical investment needs. The money thus accumulated is reinvested in the stock exchange.

MF Investment
Mutual Fund against Stock Market

Clients often get muddled up between mutual funds and stock market investing. Even though the mutual funds invest in the stock market but it is not the only avenue available. It invests in various other instruments as well. Thus, one cannot state mutual fund as a capital appreciation tool only. The following points will clarify the broad difference between these two:
Stock market investments include buying and selling of shares of listed companies while mutual funds include schemes for tax saving, fixed income, etc. along with capital appreciation. Hence, the area of operation under mutual fund is not restricted to one field. It can be termed as a multi-utility investment plan.

In the stock market, an investor is personally liable for the investments he does. But, the situation differs in mutual funds. A person liability is up to the amount he/she invests. There is no personal obligation on the clients.

Stock market investing is a personalized matter. Each and every step is to be followed by an investor alone. There are advisors but still the major responsibility is of the investing party. But, in mutual fund investing the client needs to select a suitable AMC (Asset Management Company) and the rest will be taken care off by the fund managers of the company. Monitoring is thus required but to a limited extent. All the work is done by fund managers on behalf of the clients.

Mutual fund investment allow the clients to avail any of the available two investing methodologies viz, Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and lump sum. The clients who cannot or don’t want to carry out one-time investment can surely use SIP to invest little by little at regular time intervals. This facility is absent in stock investment. The investors have to put in a large amount at the same time when it comes to stock exchange.

Even though mutual funds invest in the stock market, they are very much less volatile as compared to the shares. The simple reason is the diversification factor that is possible in mutual funds on a colossal scale owing to the pooling of riches. The stock market also provides diversification, but it is impossible for a single investor to put his money in numerous companies at once.
The return potential of equity is no doubt high, but the risk factor plays a crucial part here. The return perspective of shares is a see-saw between loss and profit adhering to the fluctuating market scenario. However, the gains on mutual funds also vary but then too the equity-oriented funds are capable of providing an average return of 15%.

As compared to any other form of saving and investing, mutual fund is serving as the cushion against fluctuating market scenarios. Along with the security, mutual funds no doubt provides stipulated returns over a longer duration.     

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