Thursday 11 May 2017

Five Top Reasons to Invest in DSP BlackRock Mutual Fund

Are you wondering to start an investment in mutual funds? Do you want to go with the best asset management company? If yes, then here are some of the major reasons for investing in DSP Blackrock Mutual Fund to opt for your portfolio. Being one of the best-performing fund houses in India, DSP BR MF has various solutions that can help you find your way towards a successful investment. Let’s know the major reasons for investing in them.

1. Professional Management of Funds
The money that we invest in the mutual fund plans of DSP Blackrock is managed by the expert fund managers. They have keen experience and vast knowledge in their domain and designs the plan as per the market opportunities so as to grab the best returns and higher growth in capital. By investing your money in the best schemes of DSP Blackrock MF, you can assure financial stability and attain your financial goals.

2. Variety of Schemes
There are a large number of schemes which are being managed by DSP BR MF, which are being divided in different asset categories, viz., equity, debt and balanced mutual funds. One has the option to choose the schemes out of the variety of funds as per their requirements and investing goals, and attain the growth that they desire.

3. Built-in Diversification
The fund managers of DSP Mutual Fund formulate such strategies and mf plans which aim to minimise the risk exposure and enhance the rate of return. The funds of the investors are parked in different sectors and companies to avoid risk exposure to one industry. Furthermore, by diversifying the capital into different instruments such as equity and debts simultaneously, the schemes gain the benefits of both.

4. Transparency
The DSP BR Mutual Fund is a corporate entity, registered under the Indian statute, and works as per the guidelines of SEBI and AMFI from time to time. Accordingly, the funds are transparent enough and provide high security of the invested capital to ensure that your income is growing in the best possible manner.

5. Systematic Investments & Withdrawals
The schemes of DSP Mutual Fund provide the convenience of investing and redeeming the funds as per the requirements. The SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) and SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan) are the most beneficial tools to transact in the DSP BR MF. With SIP, one can invest a small amount of money in the funds on a regular basis, while with SWP, one can withdraw the money regularly from a fund to attain regular income.

Accordingly, the benefits of DSP Black Rock Mutual Fund as mentioned above are notable, and by investing in them, you can attain the same on your hard-earned money. So you must start investing now by availing the online services of investment platforms like MySIPonline which provide several solutions and tools to help you make easy investing.

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